"Searching for Gold," is a page where all who will can participate. We will post a topic from the word of God and dig into its truths to gain a better understanding of the word and how it can be applied to our lives today. All topics will be centered around the word of God. If you have a topic that is of interest to you, please post it and I will address it according to the word.
Now a little about the author. Louis Edwards has been saved for over 31 years. Served in the U.S. Army for 6 years and has been stationed in the United States and over seas. He grew up as a dependent child of his father which served in the U.S.A.F. over 20 years.
Through his experiences as a service member and dependent, he has seen and experienced many cultural divides. This along with what God has taught him throughout the years as a servant of God, has helped him overcome many cultural differences.
Louis has directed several youth groups, worked in youth camps and supports missions abroad. Currently he is the adult Sunday School Teacher and Song Leader for his local church as well as an assistant to his pastor. He has printed several self-study books that include: "The Fruit of the Spirit," "Preparing for Battle," "Searching for Gold/How to Study the Word of God," and many others.
Louis lives in Washington NC. with his wife Roberta of twenty eight years and has two children and three grand children.
So please join us and dig into the word of God today. All comments and questions are welcome.
In His Service
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