Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Ground

The Ground

There are many types of soil and conditions that affect the way a plant will grow and produce. There is sandy soil that has a lot of rocks. Some soil may have clay mixed in it. The soil may have a high ph level in it. Some may have high or low levels of potash. Some soil may have a lot of peat moss in its content. The list can go on and on.

There are many ways to test the soil in which you will be planting your seed or plants. One of the most informative and effective ways is to take a soil sample to your local Agricultural agency, and have them test the soil. The biologist in that area will also know the type of soil in your area, and can help you to determine the best type of action to take in helping you to become a successful Gardner.

As a child of God it is important to know the condition of the ground, and the proper steps to take in having a successful harvest of our life. Many times we go unprepared to the field and the crop fails. The most important information available to us is right at our fingertips. It is the word of God. It will help you in becoming the most successful planter and producing the quality of fruit that will reflect the type of seed that is in a child of God.

A. Unprepared

1. Not tilled

Matt. 13:4, Mark 4:4, Luke 8:5
This seed fell by the wayside. This was untilled ground. It had not been prepared. ( a harden heart)
PP. Matt. 13:19, Mark 4:15, Luke 8:12

2. Walked on

Matt. 13:4, Mark 4:4, Luke 8:5
Were the seed fell here the ground was packed and always trodden down. This can represent a soul that is beat down by the world, and never given a chance.
PP. Matt. 13:19, Mark 4:15, Luke 8:12

3. Venerable to attack

Matt. 13:4, Mark 4:4, Luke 8:5
Notice the fowls of the air came and devoured it. This is a type of Satan and his devices. (friends, loved ones, other peoples actions)
PP. Matt. 13:19, Mark 4:15, Luke 8:12

B. Partly prepared

1. To rocky

Matt. 13:5, Mark 4:5, Luke 8:6
Notice that the ground was to rocky, shows that the ground was along the area that was tilled but it was the area that was along the path and the dirt that is thrown to the outside.
PP. Matt. 13:20, Mark 4:16, Luke 8:13

2. No support

Matt. 13:5, Mark 4:5, Luke 8:6
Notice that this part of the ground has no depth. Therefore it does not support the plant very well in the minerals that it needs.
PP. Matt. 13:21, Mark 4:17, Luke 8:13

3. Burns easily

Matt. 13:6, Mark 4:6, Luke 8:6
This plant is burned easily and withers up because of its lack of depth of roots.
PP. Matt. 13:21, Mark 4:17, Luke 8:13

C. Unkept

1. Not weeded

Matt. 13:7, Mark 4:7, Luke 8:7
The seed that fell here fell among thorns. When it tried to grow it was choked out and did not produce.
PP. Matt. 13:22, Mark 4:18-19, Luke 8:14

D. Well prepared

1. Plowed

Matt. 13:8, Mark 4:8, Luke 8:8
This seed fell among good ground.
Good ground must first be prepared by turning the earth or bring the good moist earth up and turning under the old.
PP. Matt. 13:23, Mark 4:20, Luke 8:15

Heb. 4:12
The word of God is sharp.

John 14:26
The Holy Ghost will teach you all things and help you to remember the word of God when needed.

Deut. 11:18-20
Hide the word of God in your heart, mark them on your hands, and keep them in the forefront of your mind. Mark them in your house.

Rom. 10:17
You can build you faith by hearing the word of God.

Luke 11:28
God blesses those that hear and keep the word of God.

2. Good nurturance

The ground in which a seed is planted cannot produce good plants or fruit unless it has the proper balance in nurturance. As a child of God it is important to keep ones self in good spiritual balance.

Some of the things that are mentioned in the following subtopics may sound redundant, but the go hand in hand and are inter woven in a child of Gods life.

Here are just a few items that a child of God will need to maintain a balanced spiritual life.

• Pray without ceasing. I Thes. 5:17
• Study the word. II Tim. 2:15
• Hide the word that you might not sin against God. Ps. 119:11
• Meditate on His Word. Ps. 1:2, Ps. 63:6, Ps. 77:12

3. Watered as need

A plant needs a lot of water while it is growing. Without enough water it will die. Some need more water than others. As a child of God we need plenty of water in our life to produce the type of fruit that is pleasing to God and his work.

Ps. 1:3
We need to be like the tree that is planted by the water.

Ps. 42:1
Our soul should have a great desire for the Lord.

Isaiah 58:11
The Lord will guide continually, satisfy in time of drought, make us fat, and be like a well-watered garden whose waters never fail.

Eph. 5:26
The water cleanses us from sin.

I Thes. 5:17
The water is an example of prayer. We need to pray without ceasing.

4. Weeded daily

If we let the weeds of this world come into our heart. Then we will become unproductive.

Rom. 6:12
Don’t let sin reign in you body.

I Cor. 15:34
Live righteous and sin not. Be alert.

I John 2:1
The word of God is written to us so that we do not sin. If we sin we can go to Christ Jesus.

I John 1:9
If we sin we need to confess our sins to God. Talk about Round Up.

Ps. 139:23
Ask God to search you and show you yours sins. He knows better than you do if sin is in your heart.

5. Produces

Matt. 13:8, Mark 4:8, Luke 8:8
A well maintained garden produce abundant fruit.
PP. Matt. 13:23, Mark 4:20, Luke 8:15

Prov. 11:30
The fruit we bare is a tree of life and will win others to Christ.

Matt. 7:17
A well maintained tree produces good fruit.