Day 15
Sufficient Shepherd
2 Corinthians 2:16
And who is sufficient for these things?
Dr. B. Raymond Edman, former president of Wheaton College, wrote
of being forced from the mission field by illness as a young man. His weight had fallen from 165 pounds to 120,
and he had to sail from Ecuador. Aboard
ship, he comforted himself in 2 Corinthians.
When he came to the last paragraph of chapter 2, the verses struck him
like nails. He was shaken by the thought
that “God…always leads us in triumph in Christ” (verse 14), and diffuses
through us the fragrance of Christ” (verse 14).
Verse 16 asks: “Who is sufficient for these things?”
Those versed led Edman to make a renewed surrender of himself to
Christ, one that changed the course of his life. He realized only Christ was all sufficient to
lead him in triumph as he said to him, “Anywhere, Anything.”
We aren’t sufficient in ourselves to do anything by ourselves, but
praise the Lord---our sufficiency is in Christ who always leads us in paths of
righteousness. He leads us in triumph.
Recommended Reading
2 Corinthians 2:12-17
If the Lord is your shepherd, He is sufficient for all your needs.
Tony Evans
From: “Turning Points” Magazine and Devotional
Turning Points
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